Africa Food Show 2025
10 June 2025 - 12 June 2025
Africa’s most influential F&B sourcing event.
Meet African buyers, close deals and build your brand!
Venue: Cape Town internAtional convention centre, South Africa
After a remarkable 21-year journey, Africa’s Big 7 transitions into the Africa Food Show, continuing its legacy
as the premier retail-ready food and beverage trade event in Africa. While Africa’s Big 7 will no longer exist
as a standalone event, its global platform for exhibitors, industry leaders, and communities will evolve with the
new brand, offering even greater opportunities for connecting with top trade buyers and influencers.
3 DAYS 300+ Global exhibitors 6000+ buyers from across Africa
"The Africa Food Show 2025 at the CTICC in Cape Town brings together key players across the supply chain, from ingredient suppliers to B2C cofferings, all in one place. We’re excited to see Africa’s food industry thrive through shared knowledge and new relationships at this inaugural event!"
Africa - a continent of opportunity.
The food and beverage market in Africa is on the brink of an extraordinary
transformation, expected to exceed $1 trillion by 2030 according to the African Development Bank*. This
remarkable growth is driven by a burgeoning population, thriving economies, and the emergence of a
wealthier middle class. Consumers are increasingly seeking diverse and premium-quality products, moving
beyond traditional staples towards more upscale opportunities.
Who exhibits?
Retail-ready Food
|Fats & oils | Diary products
| meat & poultry | pulses
| Grains & cereals | Food
processing | power Brands
| ready meals | Food to
Go | Frozen & chilled
products | Fish & Seafood
| Fruit & vegetables |
Grocery products | Sweets &
Dairy | Juice | energy Drinks
| cordials & concentrates |
water | Soft Drinks | coffee |
tea | health Drinks
Technology Solutions
poS | crm| it/ Software
Solutions | logistics |
Kitchen equipment | cold
chain | packaging materials
| Stock tracking | packing &
Shelving Solutions | retail
technology | Storage &
warehousing | packaging
machinery | refrigeration
Dairy | Flour | Bulk | Desserts
| Grains

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KingsBurg Expo LLC
Official representative in Russia, CIS & Baltic countries
Location : Cape Town, South Africa
Contact : Oksana Bakumova This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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